Camillia species originated primarily in Japan and China.Apparently, growing this species of camellia from seed is verydifficult. Cloning from an established bush is recommended.?All species of camellia originated in Asia; mostly in Japan andChina. Camellia species are still found there in the wild today.
Young plants are raised from cuttings obtained from a mother bush andthey are carefully rooted and cared for in special nurseries untilthey are 1 to 2 years of age. The mother bush is carefully selectedfor propagation based on individual properties and yield. The teaplants can then be transplanted out in the tea fields. This process is known as cloning. Tea can also be grown from seed, however, due tothe degree of difficulty, cloning is the most widely used method ofcultivating tea. Tea bushes are planted from three to four feet apartand planted in rows which follow the natural contour of the landscape.Tea is also grown on specially prepared terraces to help irrigationand to prevent soil erosion.
Consider a greenhouse if you don?t live in a correct weather zone:?The tea shrub is hardy to Zone 8 (The country is broken up into'zones' with similar temperature and weather patterns. Zone 8 ismid-west to southern USA). If you don't live in these areas, don'tfret. You could try growing Camellia sinensis in a greenhouse, or in apot that you can bring indoors during cold winters.??For planting, Camellia sinensis likes well-drained and sandy soilthat is on the acidic side. If you are going to grow your tea in acontainer, add some sphagnum moss to the potting mix. You'll need somepatience, too. Your plant should be around 3 years old before youstart harvesting leaves.
Plant seeds immediately in a jar three-quarters full of moistvermiculite. Cover jar with lid or saran (with rubber band). Place jarin warm (not hot) place, and check periodically for roots along sidesor in bottom of jar. Remove sprouted seedlings and plant in pots.Return unsprouted seeds to jar, replace top, and watch for more roots.Seeds will not all sprout at the same time.
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